Sunday, December 13, 2009

Disadvantages Of Fourth Generation Computer

1.High sophisticated techonology was used in them.
2.Most of the countries did not have the technology of IC,s.
3.Highly skilled staff was required for manufacturing.

Fourth Generation Of Computers 1970-96

Micro Chip Technology was used in this generation.More and more transistors were integrated into a single chip.When 10 to 20 transistors were integrated this was called Small Scale Integration or SSI. When upto 100 transistors were integrated this was called Medium Scale Integration or MSI. When over 20 Million transistors were integrated this was called Large Scale Integraion of LSI.

Advantages Of Third Generation

1.Smaller in size and easily portable.
2.Their results were more reliable.
3.Less electric power consumers and less heat generators.
4.Rare chances of hardware failure.

Third Generation Of Computer 1965-70

During this period Silocon was discovered in U.S.A. Silicon was used to build integrated circuits called chips. Large number of transistors was integrated into a very small size of chips .The third generation was based on ICs.
IBM-360 series and UNIVAC-9000 series are the famous computers of this age.

Disadvangages Of Second Generation

1.Air conditioning was still required.
2.Frequent maintenance was necessary.
3.Their technology was very complex.

Second Generation Of Computer 1959-65

In this generation transsistors were invented.The use of transistors started the second generation of computers.UNIVAC-11, Honeywell-400,and IBM-1600 are the famous computers of this generation.

Disadvantages Of First Generation

1.Their result were mostly unreliable.
2.Thousands of vacuum tubes were required for a single computer.
3.Heavy air conditioning was required.
4.These computers were non-portable because of huge size.